لسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ 
Dr FieQa typing....

Hehe, lama gila nak tunggu result spm ni, entahlah hopefully dpt buat foundation in science nnti, nak jadi doc kan(angan2 je dulu).. okay, today, I will share some knowledge. Mostly untuk students asrama ni haaa. after prep mesti ada ur roomates nak mandi kan, tiba2! ade pulak suara "ehh, kau ni slalu mandi malam, tak elok laaa nnti paru-paru berair..."  (-_-)

  Hello uolss, statement kat atas tak betol okay, aku dah tanye a few doctors dah , Dr jntung pun aku dah interview dia. They said the statement is wrong! haaa tgk WRONG! meh nak habaq kat hang sikit naa. Mmg la orang2 tua cakap bahaya mandi malam. yang tu zaman dulu. depa smua mana ada shower yang proper or heater.. dulu depa semua mandi kat perigi and sungai. Gelap gelita kat kwsn perigi n sungai tuh.. kot2 la ada buaya ke kat sungai, That's why la dilarang mandi malam. Nanti tak nampak jatuh plak dalam perigi, tak ke bahaya tuhh?? amacam puas?

see that! :P

korang mesti curious so kenapa kait dgn paru-paru plak kan. okay harini Dr Fieqa akn terang pasal paru-paru berair. Ni base on apa yang saya study la sikit (but it's not contain in spm syllabus). Ni research dan tanya Dr... dulu time kene warded aku selalu lah borak ngan Dr..
Okay back to our topic, Paru-paru berair or it is called pneumonia.. haa budak biology mesti tau tapi ni bukan bakau.. hehe.Pneumonia ni ialah respiratory infection atau peradangan dekat paru-paru samada sebelah shja atau both side. Nak tepat lagi, berlaku kat alveolus..kenapa? air masuk kat dlm alveolus ke time mandi? HAHAHAHA!!! tak lerr bro . Okay macam ni pnuemonia ni sebab virus, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungi pom boleh jadi and chemical pom also can cause pnuemonia.. 
haha tu jela. malas dah nk type, so pergi tanya doctor sendiri. Takut jgk Dr Fieqa nk bgtau sbb tak dpt licence lagi. hahahaha best of luck.

if ada yang salah typo ke bagitau k. sorry blog mcm tongkang pecah, I malas nk kemas. huhu. bye ppl! :)

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

HEY EVERYONE. This my new blogspot. I will share a lot of things about life, examination,
health, and etc.. I had del my old blogspot bcs it was really childish blogspot. I've no 
idea wht to write.. for the first entry I wrote this for you! 
Hello I’m calling again, 
on the door I’m waiting, 
For the balcony seem to be done with me, 
I’ll wait till dusk I promise.

Hello I’m calling again, 
Look at me I’m straining, 
Rain on me I’m waiting, 
For drizzles seem to be tough.

Hello I’m calling again, 
Seemingly you tend to be busy, 
Welcome me if you can’t mind, 
For my heart need rest.

Hello I’m calling again
Again and again to be heard, 
For denial deal no matter what, 
This is me calling again.

Hello I’m calling again, 
For the sound seem not new, 
Is me calling you again, 
For I can’t wait no more!